• iconHouse-11, Road-35, Sector-07, Uttara, Dhaka
  • iconitvs.dhaka@gmail.com

Opening Hours : Saturay to Thursday - 9 Am to 5 Pm

Information Technical Vision Society (ITVS)
Human Resource Development Program
Registerd Under Societies
(Act XXI of 1860) Reg. No. S-7397 (586)/8
A joint program with
BKKB (Ministry of Public Administration)
Islamic Foundation (Ministry of Religious Affairs)
DYD (Ministry of Youth & Sports)

Sylhet Branch Visit

Exam Center Visit

Orientation class

Islamic Foundation MOU

Branch Visit


Graphics Design

Responsive image


Course Outline for Graphics Design (Adobe Photoshop)
1st Class


  1. What is graphics design
  2. Graphics design software
  3. Classification of graphics design
2nd Class

How to run Adobe Photoshop

How to create a new file

Introducing on Adobe Photoshop screen

How to use Adobe Photoshop in work space

3rd ClassIntroducing on Toolbox & use of tools
4th ClassUse of tools
5th ClassIntroducing on Palettes & use of palettes
6th ClassUse of palettes
7th ClassIntroducing on File & Edit menu
8th ClassIntroducing on Image & layer menu
9th ClassIntroducing on Select & Filter menu
10th ClassIntroducing on View, window & help menu
11th ClassProject -1
12th Class    ,,
13th ClassProject -2
14th Class    ,,
15th ClassProject -3
16th Class    ,,
17th ClassProject -4
18th Class    ,,
Course Outline for Graphics Design(Adobe Illustrator)
1st Class

How to run Adobe Illustrator

How to create a new file

Introducing on Adobe Illustrator screen

How to use Adobe Illustrator in work space

2nd ClassIntroducing on Toolbox & use of tools
3rd ClassUse of tools
4th ClassIntroducing on Palettes & use of palettes
5th ClassIntroducing on File & Edit menu
6th ClassIntroducing on Object, Type &  Select menu
7th ClassIntroducing on Filter & Effect menu
8th ClassIntroducing on View, window & help menu
9th ClassProject -1
10th Class    ,,
11th ClassProject -2
12th Class    ,,
13th ClassProject -3
14th Class    ,,
15th ClassProject -4
16th Class    ,,
17th ClassProject -5
18th Class    ,,



Duration: 3 months Total Class: 36 Class Time: 1:30 Hour